Monday, June 27, 2011

Friday Nights

Im so happy and thankful to the LORD that we even have a young adults group at my church on friday nights. It is a true blessing to fellowship and have accountability with people who love the LORD and want to grow.. Honestly right now as a group we are.. dare i say.. pretty immature in His word.. I know that's a big statement to make but I include myself in it. Which is why I am so grateful to our LORD that we started a new series by John Piper.The title of the cd is "The Blazing Center."

Honestly we just started this series last friday and ive been so blessed by it. One of the quotes that most stuck out to me and just really hit home was when Piper said "God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him" WOW

Sometimes we get so caught up in serving serving serving or preaching preaching preaching His word.. Which by the way is awesome and we should be doing these things as an act of worship and are called to do it. But we cannot forget that He is so glorified when we find our rest, trust, hope, faith, etc in Him. By the way, I truly believe that worship cannot be an action unless its your identity. So we have to be so submerged in His word and completely satisfied just knowing who He is in us and who we are in Him.

It just make me wonder and I would like for you to wonder about this too...
Is He enough for us??? Is he ALL to us??? I started thinking about all the "things" I want out of this life.. A husband, kids, career etc... What if I don't get any of those things??? If i just have Him is that enough??? Would i be happy with just Him

Our answers are probably YES OF COURSE!!! And they should be because He is enough!! But I just want to make this a reality in my life. In the way I act, speak, think etc.

This song is pretty cool if you would like to listen to it..

Saturday, June 25, 2011

full day of studying

Dont want to see it, hear it, or speak it. At least till tomorrow morning :-p

(My brain is getting HUGE)

Yup I am pretty tired of this for the day but i still have around 80 more slides to go and then continuation tomorrow with all the questions.. YIKES! God willing i pass both my tests next week!!! Pray for me :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dude Wheres My car?!?!?!?!?

Yesterday I went to visit one of my best friends Hevila at her home.. She lives in Brazil but is visiting for 2 weeks.. She recently had a baby, Isabela. She is the cutest thing ever!!!! While at Hevis house we talked, ordered pizza, and more of our friends came over. Elizabet and Rosy.. We have all been friends since middle school and it was really cool to all be in the same room after all that time catching up and just chatting..

Now onto the the reason of my title...

When i first got to Hevilas house it was about 3:30 and I parked on the parking spot 210, and I was suppose to park on 209.. I hadn't been to her house in like a year or two and my memory was a little gone as to her appt number.. When we got out of the house like at 9ish.. I stared with a baffled face as I looked all around the parking spot.. "DUDE WHERES MY CAR" lol Parked perfectly where I was parked was a beautiful dark gray car... As I stood there saying I parked RIGHT HERE????? I think.. No Im almost sure I parked here?!!?!? My friend got the number to the Tow Truck Place and we drove all the way to Okechobee and Hialeah and just all over the place.. We were pretty lost!!! The Tow truck place was called GALACTIC... And im pretty sure the reason they chose that name is because the place is SUPER FAR

Three years ago, Hevila, Elizabet, and I were caught in the same predicament as we drove home from Homecoming night.. We thought it was pretty funny how we were all lost together again in Okeechobee hahaha Well anyway after texting a couple of unhelpful people ;-p I called my dad and he helped us find the place.. I had to pay $104 to get my car back..

Just gotta say, Im thankful to God my car was towed because I got to spend some more time with the girls and who knows what else could've happened if my car wouldn't have gotten towed...

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Can you do that?

All you have, remember, is today. You might be dead tomorrow. We could all be raptured. We do not know what a day may bring forth. So it's in this present moment that God is asking you to trust Him. Can you do that until the sun goes down? He is not asking you to trust Him for the next twenty years. He is only giving you today. It is this day and only this day in which you can glorify Him, because the past is gone and the future is not here yet. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know Who holds the future.

-Elisabeth Elliot

Thursday, June 16, 2011


My best friend is back from Europe!!! YAY O happy day :-D She went for a mission trip to a bunch of places like Switzerland, Italy, Paris, Sweden, and im not sure but maybe Germany?? Well anyway, Im glad she was over there and got to build relationships with people and share Christ through music and through words.. But im glad also that shes back. I missed her so much.. She is one of my accountability buddies and just someone I can share everything with.. So WELCOME BACK MELISSA SANCHEZ!! HAppy to have you back home!
(picture previously taken)

I'll tumble for ya! Or at least ill try

So FINALLY Christian Chaves tried and teach me how to do a back handspring!!! I was soo grateful!! One of my dreams is to do a round-off into a back hand spring and today part of that goal was accomplished!! YAY

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The cleaning of a life time :-p

So my mom and I went shopping today and I got a bunch of nice things for church and for the days. When we got home we saw my room and decided to throw out old used clothes. By throw out i mean we give it to my grandma or someone for Cuba or wherever... The clothes are not in bad shape but I grew out of them.. Here are some pictures of the clean-up

                 This was all the literall garbage we found.. Four bag fulls

We organized all of my jewelry in this cute furniture piece. 

Three huge JC penny bag fulls of clothes

I didn't put the before of this because frankly it was just to full of junk. But here is the more organized picture.

Clean room, happy and exhausted ladies :-)

So now I shall sit down with a plate of food in the living room and relax! Thanks for reading.. Leave comments :-D

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Heat

Yesterday a group of us from church went to go see the Heat game at the AAA!!
What they did was just have people come in for free since the game was at Dallas and they just put the game on the big t.v screens. I didnt think too many people would show up but the entire arena was packed!!  So we were just there having fun talking and waiting for the game to start when we met a couple of people in the seats behind us. They were covered in white and red face paint with white puffy hair wigs. This picture took me back to the old high school days when face paint and school or rather basketball spirit was evident. These people also killed my ear drums with their screaming OFFFENSEEEE DEFENNSEEE!!!!! But what can you dooo??

We were pretty pumped and so a couple of us from our group started the WAVE! Yes we actually got the whole arena to stand up and do the WAVE!!! It was an awesome moment watching people just follow along to something you started... I wish it would be that easy to get a crowd to follow Jesus and scream and be pumped for Him but unfortunately it wont be that way.. We can always try though right??

They also had some people entertaining on the court.. The heat dancers and Burnie the mascot and a couple of guys doing flips and a flag waving girl.. While watching this we were a bit hungry and decided to split the cost and buy ourselves some chicken tenders and fries.. We spent $10 on 3 chicken tenders and a couple of fries and they were kinda worth it because of how hungry we were.

Anyway we were there had a blast watching the game and screaming our lungs out to a t.v screen.. We ended up loosing the game and our voices but it was worth the experience!!

The cure for insecurity

John the Baptist who declared, “I must decrease, so that He might increase!”
This isn’t just the secret to living out the true Gospel; it’s also the secret to glowing with divine loveliness.  It’s the cure for female insecurity.  Think about it.  A woman who has truly denied herself, taken up her cross, and become entirely consumed with Jesus Christ is not going to be an insecure young woman, starving herself and obsessed with making herself look more attractive.  Rather, she’s so enraptured with Jesus Christ that she’s completely lost sight of herself.  As Bishop Bardsley put it, “they care not at all what the world thinks of them, because they are entirely taken up with the tremendous realities of their King.”
A woman who has yielded her selfish agenda to the Spirit of Jesus Christ, who does not listen to the voice of her self but yields only to the voice of her King is not going to become a sex object, throwing herself at guy after guy in desperation.  Her security comes from a completely different source.  She doesn’t derive her value from the attention of guys.  Her value comes from knowing she has been redeemed and loved by the King of all kings.  Her focus is on His desires, not on her own selfish wants.
The women throughout Christian history who have truly glowed with heavenly beauty all had one thing in common – an emptying of self.  They were so caught up in the things of God that they gave no thought to their own lives.  They did not seek to draw eyes to themselves.  They sought to bring glory to Jesus Christ alone.As a result, they were some of the most confident, poised, and courageous women that have ever lived.  They accomplished amazing things for the Kingdom of God.  They saved lives.  They stood before Kings.  They rescued dying children.  They reformed societies. 
And they did it without spending their time and energy focused on self.
Christ said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Mark 8:34 NKJV) The word “deny” here literally translates: to forget one's self, lose sight of one's self and one's own interests.  We are meant to let all thoughts of self become swallowed up in Him.
Oswald Chambers said
It is a tremendous freedom to get rid of all self-consideration and learn to care about only one thing – the relationship between Christ and ourselves.
The secret to becoming the radiant, beautiful princess of our childhood dreams is forgetting all about our self and becoming completely consumed with only one thing – Jesus Christ. *
 - Leslie Ludy

What do you think..?? Leave a comment

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Teaching Teens day 1

Today the LORD gave me the opportunity to teach to some of the 10th-11th grade girls.. It was so awesome to just sit down with them and talk.. I noticed in the beginning they were a little hesitant to find out I was their teacher because their teacher is away for vacation.. As i saw their faces and silent whispers it would have been so easy to get discouraged but the LORD sustained me in that moment. We prayed and began class... One thing you need to learn about teaching youth is the MASSIVE A.D.D they have haha.. But thankfully the conversations all came back to the subject.. I used this sermon to help me prepare a bit to teach them God's word.

Just in case you wanted to check that sermon out for yourself.. Its so awesome how when you prepare, God teaches you the lessons so you could teach them.

So where were we... Ah yess A.D.D. the conversation went from how white my legs were to WOW we really have to love people.?? I was so happy when two or three of the girls shared their stories about unlovable people they simply COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT love... As i explained to them what loving means and why we have to love.. They finally understood that the christian faith and walk is more than what they thought it was.. It was great to see their eyes open to a whole new chapter in their lives.. Very blessed to say that after the 45 minutes on talking about denying self, picking up cross, and going on the journey, their faces changed from silent whispers and sided looks to openness, truthfulness and approval.. Although I wouldn't have minded their disapproval, Im thankful that the LORD put favor in their eyes towards me.. I really think that they learned something new today. I pray God would mold them into godly-women.

Please pray for them and for me as the LORD uses me to speak and counsel these young women.


This girl is amazing!! She loves the LORD and she is super crafty and I think you all would really like to read about her siblings and their adventures.. She also has some How to's... So if your feeling artsy or crafty check her blog out


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Series

Excited for this new series that we will be learning in our church. If you live around the area come along
:-) Send me an email if you want details...

Psalm 2

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
the ends of the earth your possession.You shall break them with a rod of iron
and dash them in pieces like
 a potter’s vessel."
Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the LORD with fear,
rejoice with trembling.Kiss the Son,lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
for his
wrath is quickly kindled.Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

I was just taken back and amazed at this verse "You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." Its so cool to just remind yourself of how all the riches and all the fame and all the lands in the this world mean nothing, nothing at all... Just like our Father created this world like a potter makes his vessels He can easily strike it and shatter it into a million pieces.. This just makes me take notice that we are all His creation, and all at His dispense and mercy. 

When I was little I wanted to be an actress or a singer.. I would play around in my room and sing to all the britney, christina, thalia songs.. I would dream of how cool it would be to be like these famous women. Growing up all of that seems so dumb so worthless and useless.. I don't want to be famous at all I want to make our God known and if you will "famous" He has opened my eyes to see that I am nothing without Him. I love how He has had such love and grace for me. I say this because as I was growing up He saved me from so many mistakes and dangers.. I was at a church were i taught little kids but I was never really taught. I knew who God was and what He did but i never knew what it really meant in my life... I never knew that He died for me because "I" was so wretched!! 

Im not saying it was all bad in this church that i grew up in.. It was nice and I learned basic elementary things. But God's plan was so much bigger in my life He wanted to reveal more of himself to me.. He brought me to Coral Park church and through the Abella's He ministered to me and chose to reveal himself more to me.. For that I am so grateful because I truly understand my salvation through His sacrifice and love.

The LORD still has me at coral park church and i know He has a purpose for me being there. Im grateful for what He is and will do in this church through all the leaders that He has allowed to rise and step up.

So basically this world is at the LORDS dispense. The only thing that matters is Him and His glory.. Because EVERYTHING we now see in this earth will one day no longer be. 
He Remains to Him be all glory.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

X-men First Class

Yesterday the crew and I went to see X-men First Class at 7:25 and it was soo good.. Yes there is talk about how people dont like the movie much because they changed the timeline and what not and I agree but the movie was still great!! I had a blast and it might be dumb haha but following these characters is fun. We got to see how everything originated!!! I got so into the movie that when Charles Xavier got shot in the back and got paralyzed i cried!!!

Talking about movies, you always have to be careful because you can get so caught up in them... 

I came out of the movie theatre pretending I had powers hahahahaha. Abby and I went to the bathroom and we used the bathroom hand dryer to pretend we had some kind of wind power hahaha... Yes yes we too are foolish sometimes.. 

After that we all went out to eat at Apple Bees and had a nice time.. Got home at about midnight and had to get up early for church.

Church was great this morning, we worshipped our KING and LORD!!!! I pray that this fast that we will be doing together as a church body will be from our hearts for His glory.. That we would pray that our church would grow spiritually and that we would be intentional in praying for one an other and that we would just be waiting on God for his will to be done. I pray that the LORD would just be pleased with everything.