It started off as a nice bus ride with the church young adults to the beach at night, we were around 40 so we took two vans. When we got there, the sand was colder than the ice skating rink floor, and a few moments after we arrived to the beach our young adults Pastor got a call from his wife saying that her WATER BROKE!!!

We still had some time before the labor soo...We were all excited to be there as a group and forgot about the cold weather and sang some worship songs to our Lord. We talked about the tsunami and earthquake that happened in Japan and we just had a time of prayer and reflection of how even through these things God is still God and he is still sovereign and good. Shortly after, we found this cozy pizza place called "Los Primo's Pizza." BUT SHE was about to give BIRTH.. By the grace of God a young adult had brought his own car and was able to take our Pastor and leave us all there to fellowship some more!!!

We were able to play pool, air hockey, and some game that you have to punch something really hard and see who scored the highest. Well yeah it was already about 12:45 and we decided to head out home...Seems like a pretty successful night right? Well as the groups parted toward the separately parked vans, one van was missing!!!!!!! It had been towed... So imagine then 40 people trying to fit in a bus meant for 20. As we tried and discussed for 10 minutes of how to fit in the bus like packed sardines... We realized it WOULDN'T WORK haha and it would be worse getting a ticket for a clown filled van and a towed truck fee.. So a couple of people went to get the missing van from the tow place and they were able to recover the van and take us all home safely and comfortably. Man God is so good.. He allowed us to have a great time of worshipping him at the beach, and to arrive home safely even with the craziness that occurred.. Oh and by the way the Pastor was able to make it right in the nick of time to see his wife give birth to their second daughter. Woooo I feel like i have to take a breath after this eventful night.

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