After a long long long semester of classes, I am so happy to say it is over!!!! I think I might get all A's and one B..... Its been tough, a lot of studying and sacrificing but it all payed off in the end. I must say all glory goes to God.. Through all of this I had a team of warriors praying for me including but not limited too my parents, grandma, and friends :-p So thank you.. I feel like i just made an acceptance award speech... haha

About 4 months ago, I was praying and asking the Lord to lead me in what I should study. He showed me through His word and through prayer and through a couple of special people to switch from pre-med to physician assistant. So that is the route I'm taking as of now. Basically trusting in Him, to open and close doors.

I now have 2 weeks of rest from school. Exciting times :-D
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