Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Holy Spirit have Your way

This song helped me out so much yesterday. I was going through something rough, and just talking to God and writing in my journal, He showed me through this song that I need to lay down my desires and just basically ask more of Him in my life and less of me. Even though i know He is sovereign and that He has plans for my life to bring himself glory sometimes I get caught up in the whirlpool that is me me me.. and so I am still working on that, still seeking hard after Him. I really dislike being in the flesh, I wish He would just come already but i know He has me here for a reason and He just wants to mold me for His honor and glory. So what can i say....... just waiting on Him to show me His glory and let His plan disenfold in my life.
Romans 7:15
Psalm 27:14

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